Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Continent of Contentious Equality and the Story of Victor the Second Atom."

When I worry about things I have, and things I want,

and how I'll miss all the things I must do without, so there are no more starving children
in this world.

Equality becomes contentious,

Equality means I must look discomfort straight in the eye,

Equality means I must scream at the top of my lungs Ego you have no place here, get

out of my house.

No longer will I surrender freedom to the hardness of my heart and becomes a slave to the failed dreams

my minds once held.

Because equality is

bigger than just taking monetary symbols

from hard working Ceo's and prideful middleclass men striving to land on the status

symbol of hard working ceo's ,

It is minds connected like a super computer,

running on high speed internet

raising the consciousness of the population,

so that their intelligence isn't fixed on fallen angels 500,000 dollar wedding


or simply held captive to an idea called tomorrow…..

an idea granted to no one,

but a place that is given by grace,

a place made

of paradise

not prisions

a place made of dreams

that have no particular destination

except the one called Good.

Equality affirms Love

and the freedom that Love demands

Written words, ancient consciousness, spanning generations,

before time and comprehension began to understand

I am that I am,

there you are that you are,

and I am this,

which lives in you

simultaneously living in me

expressed in things we have labeled

cultural, expression, communication,



Equality is contentious because

it's victor has already won the war

and this is really about That,

A story of hopelessness and darkness

and how out of darkness came this big bang of light,

Sent to awaken eyes that were sleeping, yet stubbornly thinking they were awake.

This is a story culminating in the word good,

cause after egos and contention were defeated

Flags were burned and all that humanity needed,

They saw had been with them from the beginning.

Equality ,is recognizing there is one individual fragmented into trillions of atoms

flung into space, when the fundamental structures of this place was laid

Sparks that became eternal stars

ignited by the light that is the life of every human being

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